
I’ve Adopted the Cloud-Now What?  

May 15, 2024

You've taken the decisive step of adopting cloud solutions – but now what? As the dust settles on your decision to adopt the cloud, you may find yourself wondering how to harness the full potential of this transformative technology. In this post, we'll delve into five common post-cloud adoption misconceptions coupled with key strategies you can start implementing now for a much more successful cloud experience.

Misconception #1: My cost is set.

Strategy: Continuous Monitoring

Once leveraging cloud technology, it’s tempting to explore additional cloud-native services that appear attractive. However, this 'shopper’s stomach' mentality, coupled with an ever-increasing volume of data, can lead to a noticeable upward trend in cloud spending. It’s crucial to consistently monitor cloud spend to prevent sprawl and spiraling costs that could overwhelm you or your organization. Utilizing tools that offer cost monitoring and analysis features, which allow you to identify trends in spending early, is one of the ways to stay ahead of any budgetary concerns.  

Misconception #2: My data is safe because it’s in the cloud.

Strategy: Enhance Security

Prioritize cloud security by implementing robust policies to safeguard your data and identities. Utilize encryption, access controls, and multi-factor authentication to fortify your defenses against cyber threats. When you regularly audit your security measures, you ensure continued compliance within industry standards and regulations.  

Misconception #3: Backup and Disaster Recovery are already included.

Strategy: Implement Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Plans

Many organizations and technology professionals mistakenly believe that merely adopting cloud services equates to automatic data backup and full replication for disaster recovery (DR). This is simply not the case. Do not overlook the importance of disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity (BC) planning, even in the cloud. Having these comprehensive initiatives in play ensures you are prepared for any disruptions or emergencies. While you’re at it, go the extra mile and regularly test your plans to validate their effectiveness and reliability. You can thank us later.  

Misconception #4: I don’t need automation.

Strategy: Embrace Automation & Orchestration

Leveraging automation and orchestration will streamline your processes and accelerate the speed of production. Implementing these tools to handle repetitive tasks and workflows will reduce human error and ensure consistency in your operations. Whether it is provisioning resources, deploying updates, or scaling applications, automation and orchestration will significantly enhance efficiency, productivity, and keep cloud costs optimized. That’s a win in our book.  

Misconception #5: Once trained, always trained.

Strategy: Invest in Training

Recognize that managing workloads in the cloud requires specialized skills and knowledge. Assuming your team’s ability to run on-premises environments is completely transferrable to cloud management may lead to unwelcome surprises. Equipping them with comprehensive training ensures they will confidently and effectively operate and optimize your cloud environment. From cloud architecture to performance monitoring, training means your team will be well-prepared to handle the complexities of cloud management.

Remember, adopting cloud services marks the beginning of your journey. While we have addressed a few common misconceptions, expect more to surface along the way as this technology continues to evolve. But do not let this intimidate you. Ultimately, the benefits of cloud adoption far outweigh any challenges for an organization looking to the future. Embracing cloud technology is transformative, and when its power is harnessed, it becomes a powerful catalyst to drive your organization towards its full innovation and growth potential.  

If you need backup (pun fully intended), we’re here to help.  


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